Saturday 8 February 2014

The moonlight is melting into a new tomorrow,
The veils of the night are getting thinner and thinner.
Waking up to a scarlet morning,
That’s reflecting in the drops of dew,
They seem like crystals of hope,
Covering the meadows in a magical glow.
Facing the far away horizon with arms wide open,
Dancing on the fields of my memories and feeling each one,
They are the feathers that warm me up.
And still there’s something calling me.
A beautiful voice somewhere in the distance,
Somewhere behind the fog of my own illusions.
I open my eyes and see the fog slowly lifting,
And feel the bright warm light of creation,
Illuminating this dusty, long forgotten heart of mine.
My soul is embracing a new day and I allow it to do so,

For I will not limit myself with my thoughts anymore.

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