Wednesday 12 February 2014

struggles of  life with rhythm

There always seems to be something missing

The days get shorter and as I cry tears no one sees,

I stand alone no faith I will never believe

Deep within side of me I always seem to let go

As I stand alone my life always at a stand still

Nothing ahead want to live happy but inside I’m dead

No one can heal me not one soul

Ill always be left outside in the cold

Deep within Im scum Im a true mirage

People see me as something Im not

I play the game well

This game called life

Never lost once no gameover in sight

I would love to put the controller down

Thing is I am my own controller my feelings KINECT

I wont be put down until my heart unplugs

This isnt reality anymore Im just a robot with bugs

Glitchy like a computer Im dragging my feet everything is lagging

My whole world is disconnected my power went out

My eyes close and the dark quickly overcomes till my alarm clock


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