Monday 10 February 2014

My Inspiration

My Inspiration (HM)
This is an interesting
question to ask myself
Who inspires me? and
What inspires me to write?.

I often ask my self these
questions, every time,
Answer to my question
comes from my mind
and I believe in my answers.

My inspiration is my own life
and the experiences I earned
over a long period of time,
My inspiration is myself.

If I like a word or a quote
or any experiences in life
whether it is good or bad
all those inspire me to write.

My feelings, the sadness
the lonliness of my life
all these feelings and emotions
All those little things which
make me happy inspire me.

I love writing and sometime
my writing itself inspires me
Some of my own work when I read
that ispire me to write again.

I am not a greedy person
and all those little things in my life
Give me inspiration to write and my
own work inspires me many time.

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