Sunday 9 February 2014

Humble Heart

One of my favorites.


People tried to take, but didn’t gain anything

they tried to slay me, but I wasn’t never a king


I thank God for the little things that I have

and never ungrateful for whatever I can’t grab


I would give a person a helping hand

but will never brag about the place where he or she stands


My soul is like a clear diamond with a few scrapes

but I’m not perfect, but I won’t let this diamond break


When people give me compliments

I smile and thank God for my achievements


I watch but never speak on how others are envious of my happiness

although that their hate is my strength, but it will always be endless


It seems like the ones that wish ill upon me, Don’t want me to progress

however I will struggle, until I make it to success


I can be offered cars, clothes and money

yet this soul is never cocky nor picky


In the day, reminisce about life by the coast

and at night, celebrate our victory with a toast


Time will pass, and life will go on

make sad things happy, and continue to live on

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