Thursday 13 February 2014

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Life own controller

If you have that person do never loose it , if you don’t , no Worries you will Find it
struggles of  life with rhythm

There always seems to be something missing

The days get shorter and as I cry tears no one sees,

I stand alone no faith I will never believe

Deep within side of me I always seem to let go

As I stand alone my life always at a stand still

Nothing ahead want to live happy but inside I’m dead

No one can heal me not one soul

Ill always be left outside in the cold

Deep within Im scum Im a true mirage

People see me as something Im not

I play the game well

This game called life

Never lost once no gameover in sight

I would love to put the controller down

Thing is I am my own controller my feelings KINECT

I wont be put down until my heart unplugs

This isnt reality anymore Im just a robot with bugs

Glitchy like a computer Im dragging my feet everything is lagging

My whole world is disconnected my power went out

My eyes close and the dark quickly overcomes till my alarm clock


 It waits for no one

I’m a little older now
Time is always moving
Much to my surprise.
Tomorrow is now yesterday,
Today has said goodbye

When I was very young,
The future never came.
I’m a little older now,
Life has really changed.

No matter how I try
Time beats me in the end.
It’s always been the master
Never was a friend

I’m a little wiser now
I’ve leant one simple truth.
Time waits for no one
With is so much now to do.

Somewhere in the past
I may have lost today.
What I had, now has gone
It seems so far away

Now and then, I take a look
See what’s going on.
Then I find, once again
Time has been and gone.

What is now has gone
No matter how I try.
The present never lasts

For time’s the reason why

Tuesday 11 February 2014

 I must forget you now, remember you
as just somebody I used to know
But how can I?
Last night i saw you in my dreams
Calling out to me as I strolled past
I didn't answer, but my soul did
Awakening my feeble body to
A morning lit with recollections
How can i forget you
As my heart burns with flames of memories
Fixing thoughts tightly glued to all we'd shared
Smokes reaching up my ceiling, enveloping
Complications developing
Caught in another matrix
Fraught with another project
Searching my soul, comparing
Scheming, hoping to grow apples
From this ordinary tree

How can I erase a complete book
Without destroying the entire book
Set some fire with fuel from Oblivion
Strike a match, smell my sulphur explode
Watch all these implosions from the tears welling
Dwelling on the past, painfully duelling with my heart
Laughing sometimes at this cacophony's laughter
Ceasing to exist like we used to

How can I remember to forget to remember
The paths we threaded beaten like foot paths
Through the Sahara
Leading to nowhere, yet coming from the first Words
Words spoken so gently and so purely
Crystallizing before my very presence
Like diamonds, forming treasures in my heart
Sticking on the walls, great as waterfalls
Gushing waters falling on me
Washing, wetting, soaking me with mixed thoughts
While I await the drying powers of the sun, my new sun.

oh Sky

Ask Him

Why he created a bit of this heart ..

So fragile and simply separated ..

When confronted with the thorns of affection

So sturdy and durable

When wrapped loving and hope ..

Why did he produce a way of tenderness and yearning

Inside this heart ..

Fill within the blanks in it

Anxiety are feat his beloved figure

Raises a myriad of queries

Collect millions asa

Encouragement ..

also left much pain

Why did he produce anxiety within the recesses of the soul

choke shadow

Smothering ..

Helpless against the turmoil that hit …

O reed …

Never style it you are feeling thus torturing it

Why did you only shut up

tell me

A word that might dampen the fun of this ..

Something that takes this sport ..

As healers tuk uncontrolled pain

Breeze creating noise yourself

As if there’s one thing that you just tell Maine

I don’t understand what you mean

Only suspect ..

Whispers say there’s somebody behind Capitol Hill there

Waiting dependably ..

Appreciate what it suggests that to like …

Heart fell and separated

Incise night moulding k sorrows

flap my broken wings

Following the prevailing winds processing

Plugging lost ….

Frozen heart within the corner …

He cracked , sort of a shattered mirror items

Scattered ….

Before it’s lost within the wind …

As he weekday weak ….

I attempt to re- earn the remainder of the center

Mingled with the dirt

I want to embrace …

Grasping my heart items within the corner …

Only the shadow that I will ….

He disappeared once the sun go down from time of day

I couldn’t flap it ’s wings back

He has broken ..

Pierced by sharp thorns ….

Can solely mourn ….

Grimace ..

Reaching for a footing ..

Monday 10 February 2014

The Beauty Of Nature

Strolling towards an impractical dream,
 By your side a straying stream,
 Above, the mists are feathery cream,
 No more might you want to yell.
 The air it smells so sweet.
The flying creatures go, twitter tweet.
 Delicate grass to place your feet.
 You groove with nature's beat.
 Over here, there are no autos.
 Over here, there are no bars.
 Evening time carries you Venus, Mars;
 Uncountable measures of stars.
 Take everything in agreeable stride,
 Don't ever feel you need to stow away.
 This is the place you arrive at inside,
 Also spread your wings; feel them coast.
 Your life is yours, not theirs to take.
 Light a flame by the lake.
 Continuously cherish, with whom you wake,
 Never let your companionships break.
 Continuously live without misgiving.
 Don't surrender, not presently, not yet.
 Know what's to come isn't set.
Acknowledge what adore you get.
I realise that nature's trees are tall,
There's some you can't move whatsoever
Full in Spring ''til Autumn's Fall,
Secured in a winter shawl.
What's more as the seasons go back and forth,
You'll see the stream start to develop.
Filled by your entire life you know,
Conveyed in the winds that blow.
Listen to the melody it sings-
Affection and peace is the thing that it carries.
Imparting all the easily overlooked details,
Cover up scratches and dings.
That what living's about.
Never top it off with mistrust.
Look true near discover this out-
Continuously look for the kinder way.
 Furthermore you will see, my most seasoned companion,
 This dreamy life, it has no close.
 There's dependably all the more past the twist,
 Nature's hand, an appendage, to give.

I sat alone and watched
The masses stagger by
The strain of life on every face
The worry in each eye
Remorse, regret were mingled there
Fear on each face did play
Lay down your burden brother
You only live today

I sat and watched the robin
So peacefully at play
No worries of tomorrow
He sings but for today
A song I felt within my heart
I heard a soft voice say
Lay down your burden brother
You only live today

I sat and watched my friends go by
Worry greed on every side
But though I sought with greatest pain
I failed to see of any gain
So humbled now I turn and pray
For strength to live just for today


Sliding through spectrum replays,

Following more, forms fortunate,

And breaking spaces shattered.

Free from speech, action before breath.

Returning the question. Who’s asking?

Buried beneath bodies that blur autonomy.

Again and again, visions of reciprocation!

Fake and flawless bombards the horde.

Burning bridges, falling ladders,

Dismembered corpses, wretched rats.

Watching all the time.

Forcing blistered blood.

Breeding fractured formulas.

And haunting a lost compromise.


My Inspiration

My Inspiration (HM)
This is an interesting
question to ask myself
Who inspires me? and
What inspires me to write?.

I often ask my self these
questions, every time,
Answer to my question
comes from my mind
and I believe in my answers.

My inspiration is my own life
and the experiences I earned
over a long period of time,
My inspiration is myself.

If I like a word or a quote
or any experiences in life
whether it is good or bad
all those inspire me to write.

My feelings, the sadness
the lonliness of my life
all these feelings and emotions
All those little things which
make me happy inspire me.

I love writing and sometime
my writing itself inspires me
Some of my own work when I read
that ispire me to write again.

I am not a greedy person
and all those little things in my life
Give me inspiration to write and my
own work inspires me many time.

Waiting for Spring

 It was a still, silent world.

 No breeze stirred the pines
stood in dark contrast to the purity of the snow.

 No birds flew across a sky
pinked by the morning sun.

 Nothing moved.

Life lay hidden behind a
canvass waiting for the colours of spring.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Humble Heart

One of my favorites.


People tried to take, but didn’t gain anything

they tried to slay me, but I wasn’t never a king


I thank God for the little things that I have

and never ungrateful for whatever I can’t grab


I would give a person a helping hand

but will never brag about the place where he or she stands


My soul is like a clear diamond with a few scrapes

but I’m not perfect, but I won’t let this diamond break


When people give me compliments

I smile and thank God for my achievements


I watch but never speak on how others are envious of my happiness

although that their hate is my strength, but it will always be endless


It seems like the ones that wish ill upon me, Don’t want me to progress

however I will struggle, until I make it to success


I can be offered cars, clothes and money

yet this soul is never cocky nor picky


In the day, reminisce about life by the coast

and at night, celebrate our victory with a toast


Time will pass, and life will go on

make sad things happy, and continue to live on

Beautiful But Painful

This is where the real love. Sometimes Beautiful is sometimes painful. But we should take for granted.
The love that loves without pain
But more painful if we loved but neglected
Admire without having it be a sad sad
But if you have not accord
but sometimes love is not fair
When we really love someone, but not his love for us
While we try our loyal yet betrayed.
That love that look beautiful, but actually painful.

Up Here in The Night

Way, way up here in the night
we learn secrets;
what goes on in the treetops
or on the forest floor
if no one is looking to see but the wildings.

Bats dance an aerial gavotte
and fears – both fresh and stale -
vanish in the dwindled light.
This mountain top we stride
is surrounded by higher ones yet,
and they play as only mountains can
tossing the lightning between them.

Try to grasp a bit of an earthly thing
if you can, hold onto smoke,
chin held up high to touch the smile of the moon
peeking between scattered leaves.
Question what you hear, not the gun’s bellow,
but the heavy footfall on last year’s leaves,
the war growl of the bobcat, too close at hand
or the warming roll of insistent thunder.

Yet another night of rain, moist love from above,
a review of life, as seen by kites in the air,
very few moments manifest as they touch ground,
what a fine way to be.