Sunday 23 June 2013


Stale emotions, old hurts and wounds
Time is up for the doom and gloom
You have brought this heart
Healing time has had its start
Day by day, moment by moment I am guided
By the Unseen Force, no need to hide it
The change in me is growing clearer
The time of awakening has made love nearer
Real love, the kind that encompasses all
The kind that does not seek a returned phone call
It is the love that lights you up from within
It is the love that comes from your inner friend
Your true Self, the one who brought you this far
The One who binds up your wounds, fades the scars
Know thyself, love thyself, to thine own self be true
Every circumstance of life is transformed by you
I am doing the work; it is paying off
Sea salt baths, affirmations so soft
A whisper to the universe, a howl at the moon
Healing is always and not a moment too soon
The next phase of the cycle of life is always impending

Infinite new challenges, new situations in need of mending

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