Sunday 23 June 2013

Life Goes

We live our life with friends, yet we do not realize that a day will come when they will leave us.

Do you ask yourself why they will leave?

It is because life goes on!

Our loved ones take off to a different world as we cry the tears out of our glazing eyes!

But do we realize that a day will come when we suddenly forget them for a moment even though our heart and mind remain clean?

This is because life goes on!

But that girl was mine!

She was the sunshine!

Like when the glowing sun relaxes our moods, she too did the same for me!

However, now she has changed!

I realize that she was never right!

Her soul darkens the sky like as if its night!

But I wish I only knew her from before!

Life goes on but I wish her life had ended!
Nature to create a beautiful poem
Poets can use many aspects and characteristics of nature to create a beautiful poem. Poetry can involve all of life and it can also involve all of the natural world. Many poets write about the seas and the oceans. They write about the sun, the moon, and the stars. They write about the wind and the whether, trees, flowers, and all the seasons of the year. Poets also write about animals and any other natural detail of the world. 

William Wordsworth wrote a poem called “The World Is Too Much With Us.” In this poem, William Wordsworth complains about the fact that men in the modern world have separated themselves from nature. William Wordsworth believes that humans give up their natural heritage and instead they pursue material things, which he believes are worthless and only temporary. 

There is another poem, titled “Song.” It was written by a poet named Robert Browning. Robert Browning wrote a play, called “Pippa Passes.” In Pippa Passes, a child named Pippa explores the countryside. Pippa is pleased with humanity and with the world. As Pippa goes by, she is watched by people who are caught up in things such as greed and envy. They become reformed by Pippa and her innocence. The poem titled “Song” is actually the song that Pippa sings as she goes along. “Song” expresses a way of feeling. When the poet states that all is right with the world, he is speaking only of a way of feeling and not with the way life actually is. 

Victor Hugo is a poet who often finds himself reflected in the world of nature. His emotions can be seen in the sky or the sea. Victor Hugo wrote a poem called “June Nights.” In this poem, there is a sense of the mixing of day and night. It involves the contrast between light and dark. Parts of this poem seems to merge into each other, creating a dreamlike feeling. It involves the contrast between sound and silence and also the contrast between sleep and wakefulness. It discusses summer, blossoms, the sky, and the stars.


Stale emotions, old hurts and wounds
Time is up for the doom and gloom
You have brought this heart
Healing time has had its start
Day by day, moment by moment I am guided
By the Unseen Force, no need to hide it
The change in me is growing clearer
The time of awakening has made love nearer
Real love, the kind that encompasses all
The kind that does not seek a returned phone call
It is the love that lights you up from within
It is the love that comes from your inner friend
Your true Self, the one who brought you this far
The One who binds up your wounds, fades the scars
Know thyself, love thyself, to thine own self be true
Every circumstance of life is transformed by you
I am doing the work; it is paying off
Sea salt baths, affirmations so soft
A whisper to the universe, a howl at the moon
Healing is always and not a moment too soon
The next phase of the cycle of life is always impending

Infinite new challenges, new situations in need of mending
Thank you for who you are,
You are a star,
Thank you for long walks,
And loving talks,
Thank you for basketball games,
Thank you for not embarrassing me in front of my friends, and making me shame,
Thank you for being my father, and my friend,
Thank you for the surprise lunches,
And loving me and telling me I can win,
Thank you for my weakness,
And calling uniqueness,
Thank you for the hugs, and the double portion of love,
I am so glad that you are mine,
You are my father, and I love you all the time!
Thank you for teaching my how to fight, by teaching me right,
No words can express what I feel,
I love you daddy,

Happy Father’s Day for real!

The Actuality of Reality is...

Being judged based on sexuality, rather than mentality or personality...

Or the reality of brutality caused by standards of formality or differences in spirituality or

nationality without any expectation or intention of hospitality or liberality....

 Actuality is fatalities, brought about by technicalities (like a gain of calories or a loss of

salary) leading to 'abnoralities' then to rash irrationality. Rooted from a lack of morality

and indivisuality...

I’m falling deeper and deeper into the abyss
The light is fading from view, and I cannot see you
I’m scared and cold, and all alone
As colors mix and turn black
No one to shelter me from this agonizing pain
And no one to help me escape
It is dark here with no light to illuminate this space, so where are you?
Where are you when I need you most?
You’re living
Bring me back with you
Save me from this darkness save me from eternal darkness
With eternal death
Eternal death?
Yes that’s the only way to end the pain
This pain, this suffering
This loneliness
But that is all I have,
And all I will ever have
So long as I live, and so long as I’m dead
Take me back to the land were I … belong?
No I belong nowhere I belong in this,
This unearthly abyss
This blackness which shows no change
Why is there red in the blackness
Blood…no not blood, tears
Tears of pain and sorrow
Tears that don’t come from me
Because I am not crying on the outside
Although on the in side I’m suffering
Then whose tears?
Someone from your world,
The world of the living where I no longer belong?
No, no one cared about me there
And no one ever will because I’m dead
I wonder…did I have friends in that world?
No I did not for fear of getting too close to them
So I was alone, all alone
And now my chance is gone for happiness
I will be alone for ever now
All alone in the icy darkness
No matter what, once you enter this world, there is no way back
No way to save your self,
And no way for anyone to save you
So if you end up here in the blackness
You are trapped like me
For eternity
I hate you, no I despise you
You’re taking your life for granted
And after you die that’s it no more time,
For us in the blackness time has stopped
Stopped and will never start again
You live like there will always be a tomorrow,
Another chance to get it right,
But the sad truth is that you run out of tomorrows,
And chances
I learned that the hard way
So now I’m trapped in this darkness
That’s as dark as a million shadows
I want to scream, to cry out for help
But I fear the darkness with suffocate me
I worry that I will never see you again
But I guess that it’s okay
Because here I’m not jugged,
Or ridiculed,
Because I’m alone
I rather get another chance at life
But sadly it’s impossible
Impossible for me to take back my mistakes
If only…if only I hadn’t been so naïve
But no time for regrets
No time to think ‘what if’
Because the monster that resides within me,
The one that resides in all of us
Is trying to break free,
Mine is stronger then anyone’s,
Because of it’s feeding on my decaying and rotting soul
The one that has been dead since I was alive
But now the monster, the demon is growing
Stronger and stronger
Please help,
I can’t let it escape if it dose your world is doomed
So please come and rescue me,
Come and save me,
Protect me like you promised you always would
Or was that just another lie,
Another one to help me sleep at night
Or was it just an empty promise
Like the ones you have always told
But you always told me the truth,
Or was it just me imaging it true
Could it be I’ve always been lied to?
By the one person I trusted?
No…no! I won’t believe it!
I can’t! No…no…
You lied to me,
You made me trust you
Just to be betrayed
Never again, never again will I trust you
No not just you,
I will never trust again
Not again, I can’t take this pain this suffering
Not in the darkness
As my heart turns black like this abyss
And now there’s no turning back
The demon inside me is getting stronger as the night falls
And I weaken
You are the cause for my pain
Did you send me into the darkness?
Were you the cause for a shot of pain in my heart in your world?
As the knife pierced my flesh,
And caused the blood to gush out?
It’s all coming back to me,
You were the one,
The one who killed me!
Why? Why did you kill me?
I trusted you! And you betrayed me!
This isn’t right
I believed in you
And this is how you reward my trust?
By thrusting me into darkness?
Well it’s too late for ‘I take it back’
And now it’s too late for both worlds
For the demon is now free
I woke up in a cold sweat
The dream always ends the same,
With the demon free,
And every one dieing
Now another day in the real world,
This world, the world of the living
So I walk down the stairs,
And out the door
I walk down the street,
And I feel people’s eyes penetrate me,
As they look throw me to the demon that inhabits me
And there eyes turn cold, as cold as ice daggers
And they pierce me causing me to flinch in pain
And so I run, run as far as I can
Away from the cold eyes,
And away from the world
I slow to a stop at a small forest,
Then I walk on
Throw the dense trees that scratch my face
In till I get to a small clearing,
My clearing, the one that no one else visits
So I’m all alone here
Alone, like in the darkness…
So this is where I let the tears fall
I cry and cry, till I am out of tears
I’ll cry in till the sunsets and causes me to return,
Return to the people who want me to die,
I will return to you
You who in my dream killed me,
You who I’m afraid of,
You who has no mercy on my soul
But you…have always kept me safe
But in the dreams…you betray me
So what dose it all mean?
Should I be afraid of you?
Or is it just my imagination
I finally reach home and you’re waiting at the door,
I step inside you close it behind me
You grab my wrist and slap me face
I wince in pain, and look away
My cheeks get hot,
As tears start to flow
I look away, down at the floor
Then you pull me close,
And apologize, but it’s empty
So I run out the door,
And away from you
I try to hid
But you follow
Every where I look there you are
I’m afraid, so very afraid
So I keep running, running until I can’t anymore
Running until I collapse on the ground panting
My face stung,
As I touched the spot were you slapped me
You come behind me,
And I feel cold metal ageneses my neck
In my ear you whisper
“It will all be over soon”
As the metal starts to pull and cut my neck
I stand, and run
I run for my life
With you at my heels
“Get away! Get away!”
I yell it’s no use
You’re trying to take my life
Just as in my dreams
I hold my hand to my throught,
To stop the blood from coming out the slit in my neck
Why do you want to take my life?
Did I cause you pain?
Did I hurt you? Like you’re trying to hurt me?
I can’t remember
If I did I’m sorry
But please don’t send me into the abyss
I can’t go back there alone
Please stab me then yourself with that knife
So I may still be with you
And also so I don’t turn the demon loose
Because I want to be with you,
But that can’t ever happen if it’s freed
Because it will hold your soul within it
You will never get sent to the blackness
If that happens
For you will suffer even worse torture
Pain and regret will eat at your soul until…
Every thing is gone
It will disappear before your eyes
And nothing will come within your sight again
Never ever again
So please end it for both of us
Please I can’t be without you
I think while I’m running for my life away from you
I love you,
And I forgive you
I will and could never hate you
So please help me,
Kill us both
I then trip,
And fall hard,
As you come behind me
You hand me the knife,
And I hold it to my thought
But then I remember…
I remember my dreams,
How they always end
So I thrust the knife into your chest
The blood gushes over it
I finally under stand my dreams…
I was the one to kill you
So please… for give me
I drop the knife, as you wreath in pain,
I drop to my knees and cry
I cry for the both of us
Please I’m so very sorry I repeated,
But it’s too late
It’s now too late for me to apologize,
Because your confolshions have now stopped
But I truly am sorry
So very sorry
As rain starts to fall, it adds to my tears,
I cry as I look at your still body
I’m so sorry,
But it had to be done
So forgive me
I look away, at the dark sky,
The people above are crying for you,
Just like me
If I had anther chance, I wouldn’t have done it,
No I wouldn’t have
But it was me or you,
I think as I walk away,
As I move forward in life
As I move away from your lifeless form
To weeks later,
After your body is beneath the ground,
I still remember your blood
But I believe you understand
And if you don’t please forgive me
But now I am done,
Done dwelling in the past,
And done morning your death
And I’m also done apologizing
I walk every day now
With no relief
No relief from the cold glares
Every one knows I killed you
They have no proof,
But they all see in side me,
And they know I was the cause
I was the one who caused the pain in your heart
But I suffered as well,
When you died a part of me went with you
So don’t think I was selfish
Because I died as well
A part of my soul died when I killed you,
But it can’t be helped,
You’re gone
Gone forever
I can’t stand this pain,
The pain of being away from you
It’s horrible
No it’s worse,
The tears choke me as I cry
It’s hard to breath,
But that’s alright
Because I want to die
I want to die so I don’t have to suffer,
But I know that you don’t want that
Even though I killed you,
You still want me to live
You are the faceless stranger in my dreams,
I know it’s you,
But it’s like looking into nothing
It horrible,
Because I long to see your face just one more time
If I got that chance,
I would tell you how I feel,
I would tell you that I loved you
And hopefully you would love me back
But now it’s too late
To late for my confession
And to late for me to turn this around
But I guess this happened for a resson,
Maybe I’ll meet you in the after life,
Or maybe it was a dream I killed you,
…no that was no dream
The lifelessness of you corpse was real
So was your blood
All of it was real, oh so very real
I’m all alone now,
Because you left me
If you hadn’t tried to kill me
Maybe we could’ve been together
But no,
Life is to cruel
To cruel to show us mercy
To cruel…so that’s why I’m leaving it
I’ll leave it
I’ll leave it with a knife
The same one I used to kill you
I’ll stab my heart and be with you once more
I take the knife out of my treasure box,
And hold it to my chest
As I push it into my flesh,
I feel sick
But I keep going
In till finally…
I’m dead
I’m falling deeper and deeper
But I don’t know where
For I’ve closed my eyes in despair
But then I realize I’m not falling but floating,
As I open my eyes I see white
Where I am I’m not sure
But then I see your face
You smile at me and hold me in your arms,
As I look at your white wings
And now I have them too
And now I know…
I’m not in the darkness,
But I’m now in the light
And I finally relies that in death we find peace
In stead of the fear of life
Now I am with you once more
And I’m happy because of this
And now I realize you were the one,

Who brought me to this place?

Saturday 22 June 2013

Oh How Easy It is to Write a Poem, a Poem About Poems

A poem about poems.
How easy it is to write a poem
I write a story, with hard work and effort
But no one bothers to take a long look at it ever 
I write poem, with little words and meaning 
And everyone looks at it with much feeling 
Oh how easy it is to write a poem 
Much easier to write a story with meaning sown 
Oh how much attention a little poem can grab 
And how I can write it while taking a nap 
So why write a story with work 
When people pay as much attention to it as they do to a fork 
Why not write a poem 

And not have to moan