Tuesday 4 March 2014

A Journey of Eternal Love

A Journey of Eternal Love

1. Glittering Love
2. A Feeling
3. Love
4. Romeo,I love you
5. Waited
6. First Love
7. Still waiting
8. No words for love
9. Fell In Love with you
10. You are the one for me
11. I love you
12. You are Mine
13. Getting Married
14. My husband
15. Bond of Love
16. Love can move mountains
17. My Companion
18. Incomplete
19. I Cannot make you love me
20. Precious Moment
21. My Love
22. Distance
23. Heart Break
24. Love Birds
25. Romeo and Juliet
26. A Life without you
27. I cannot Forget you
28. Sweet Dreams
29. I really need you
30. Destiny
31. No Tears
32. Cherish The love
33. Longing for love
34. Our eternal love
35. Until I die
36. Entered into eternity

Glittering Love

A butterfly lowers and rises
when the wind blows hard
Love drifts closely and
Moves away swiftly
Love is like a butterfly
When one is in love
Eyes sparkle like diamonds
And one looks very beautiful
Glittering like precious diamonds
When you find the truth of love.

A Feeling

Love is a feeling, which needs to
be experienced
one can nourish, or one can nurture love
Love is patient, and love is kind,
for some, love is friendship
and for others, love is luck.

Love comes in different forms
It can be romantic, spiritual, familial
Love comes back to you in abundance,
when you give it to others.

The mother loves her children
Unconditionally, in the same way
he The Divine loves everyone,
he loves us unconditionally.

Depth of love cannot be measured
Love needs to be experienced
If you focus on the goodness
of the other person, love can be cherished.


Love inspires me to love me,
Love provokes optimism to me,
Love stimulates me to do
something creative in my life.

I ask for love and it gives me,
Happiness and teaches me,
to forget the things in my life,
and move forward in my life.

Love is precious for me;
Love comes in abundance,
when you share the love with others.
Please give me love, give me love.

Romeo, I love you

Romeo, I love you
I do not think any one
Could take your place
In my heart
How can I forget this face?
It is so handsome
I love you my darling
Please do not leave me and go
We are meant to stay together
I always cherish our love
When your eyes looked at me
For the first time I knew
You are the man for me
Romeo, I love you.


I patiently waited for so long for a soft kiss on my lips,
I eagerly waited for the touch of your arms,
And imagined of your hands
Embracing me towards you
I could keenly wait for you all my life.

My First Love

I met this young man in the coffee shop
He looked at me and I got caught up into
His beautiful black eyes and I could not
take my eyes off from him.

He came to me with a smile on his face
and we started chatting to each other,
I could not believe when I looked at the watch
We spend an hour chatting with each other
In this coffee shop.

I liked him and I liked to meet him again
We decided to meet the next day.
He was very intelligent and working in an office
The whole night I was dreaming about him
I could not wait for the next day.

I felt madly in love with him after the initial contact
He was my first love,
I felt happy that I got the right person
Things went on smoothly for a month
And one day I met one of my other friends
and I was telling him about this guy.

He told me that he was pleased for me
that I got finally the right guy for myself
I was over the moon for the last month
My heart rate increases every time I am with him
When he kisses on my lips
I felt the sweetness of my love.

I waited for his gentle and soft touches
and the current travels along my body
I wanted to be with him more and more
I could not live without seeing him a day
He was very romantic and I travelled with him
to the climax of romance.

I never thought this will happen to me
It hit me and put me down,
The news broke my heart
I was devastated ,I did not know
what to do, I felt like he used me
I was very angry with him for telling me the lies.

He cheated on me and I was not sure
what did I do to him to get this treatment
I was amazed that he never told me that he was married
I heard this news from one of our mutual friends
I decided that I did not want to see him again
I did not want to cheat another innocent person
Who did not know anything about me?

Lastly, I could not live anymore there in his town
As the memories of my first love were eating me all the time
I decided to move away from there
as I got a job in the other town
I thought I will never trust a man blindly like I trusted him
I learnt a lesson from my first love
and I now know that experience teaches us
and we learn from our mistakes

Still Waiting

Once I was under this moonlight glow
I dreamt of a man who is intelligent
A true gentleman who is compassionate
never appeared in front of me in the night.
How can I explain my thoughts to you?
How can I make you understand?
What are my feelings and desires?
How can I explain to you?
My dilemma is to show it to you
What is inside of my mind?
I am still waiting for that moment in life
when that person comes in front of me.
Many years have gone in front of me
I am back here again on this summer night
The sky is glowing with beautiful colours
I am still waiting for that person to arrive in front of me.

No words for love

This is my first love.
I feel it in my soul
I know it is going to grow
Long as I live, my love remains
Long as I live, you will be
My first love and my only love.
We spend so much time together
But so little to say, we hold our hands
Together and walk around the park
All the words were in my mind
But I could not even tell you
How much I love you.

Fell in love with you
When I saw you first
A current passed within me
Butterflies started to fly
In my stomach and my heart
Was beating fast and my hands were cold.

I looked at your beautiful eyes
I was so shy that I could not speak
And handed you a letter and walked away
I have written all my feelings in that letter.

I could not forget your smile and
Your shining eyes which are beautiful.
I was being hurt in the past I was afraid
But my heart was longing for you only you.

Being hurt in the past made me stronger now
I only wished for the days to last longer
Making you smile is like a dream come
True for me and I fall in love with you.

I hope we could be together
for the rest of our life .

You are the one for me

When I think of you
My heart appreciate you
Your eyes, your smile
Your touch, your kiss
All makes me happy
Everything about you
Mesmerises me
My heart knows
You are the one for me

I love you
I wonder all the time
Did I tell you that I love you?
You gave me all the comfort in life
You took all my sadness away from you
Every time I am in trouble you are there to rescue me
I do not have anyone else other than you in this world to help me

I often forget to tell you
That I love you and I love only you
I am grateful to you for everything you had given to me
Without you I do not think I will survive in this world all alone
You protect me like a baby and look after me from all the obstacles
I tell you that I love my divine, only you,
More than my life and I will always love you.

You are mine

Yes, you are right, my love is alive
My heart is on fire, I know one day I will be in love
But I never knew that it will be you
When I look into your eyes
I can see that love flows between us.

There is some feeling growing inside me
That is making me crazy, and I feel that my love is alive
I can survive with my love, as it gives me happiness.

A mirror which is reflecting from my heart shows that
My love is shining inside of me
And telling me let it flow, and let it grow
Towards you I am in love with you.
Let that love flourish between us.

I believe that every good and perfect gift comes from above
You are presented to me as a beautiful package
Full of humour, talent, beauty and love.

My love is alive again, and it gives me the sweetness
Let me just hold that feeling in my mind
I know I don’t need to prove my feelings to know that it is true.

I know I am happy, my love is alive again
And I could not expect anything more
It’s an honour to know that I am yours, as you are mine.

Getting Married

One of the finest moments in my life was
When I met you for the first time
I saw you on that day I was asking for help
I was so distressed and came to you to ask for help
That was our first meeting.

The way you helped me with a smile on your face
I could never forget
Since then we became true friends
The one I could always look upon
The one friend I could trust.

I can’t believe that we are getting married
I truly feel that it was that moment that
Brought us together as friends
and turned into our true love.

My Husband

Thank you for being there for me
Thank you for understanding me
I love you and I miss you
You are my sweetheart.

You are always there for me
You stood with me beside me
You are the dearest and sweetest of all
You are my world.

You loved me and care for me
I always loved you more than you ever did
For me you are everything for me
You are my world, you are my love.

You gave me all the happiness in the world
No one else would be able to give me
You are my sweetheart and I love you.

Bond of Love

We share a bond of love
The love we share is unconditional
This is true love.
No one can take that love from us.
I hope this kind of magic stays
Forever between us.
I thank you my Love for being there,
For supporting me, in my life.

Love can move mountains

When impediment arises
I can’t bear you and
I wish to stay away from you.
When we are happy and love each other
And sit together and communicate
All our problems ends and I feel happy.
Every time we find solutions to problems
We feel love can even move mountains.

My companion
If I am stranded I only wanted
to be with that one person
whom I loved all my life.
I trusted him
and had full faith on him
I love him all my life.
I know he is the only one
I will be happy with no one
will be able to take that place in my life
He loved me all my life
and looked after me like a baby
I am so fortunate to have him
in my life as my companion.
I loved to be with him again
If I am stranded alone in a place
where no one else will disturb us
and I feel happy to join with none other than
my darling husband.


You know how much I love you
without you there would be no me
only empty space
You’ve seen me sad crying, and smiling
you say either way you are glad to be with me.
Without you there would be no me to love you
and without me you are incomplete.

I cannot make you love me

I can’t make you love me
We came to our bedroom after
We had a fight
I turn down the light
And sit next to him
He did not utter a word
Lay down with him still no words
I can’t make your heart feel for me
I close my eyes then I don’t see you
I can’t make you love me
If you do not want to love me
I turned on to the other side and slept.

Precious Moment

All I need is your love
I just love the thought of you
And I love to hear you say
You love me too.

I need to touch you and feel you
I need to feel your hands
Embracing my body.

Your fingers are strolling
Through my hair
And holding me tight against you
And in a soft gentle voice
You whispering to my ear
That you love me.

I am just waiting for that
Precious moment
And all I need is your love.

My Love

My love makes you feel
When you experience it.


The distance between us
is not measured in time
The distance between us
Is measured by the divergence.
When we love each other
and are bonded together
our distance can reduce
and we love each other.

Heart Break

You treat me so bad
and make me cry
I can’t go on being
with you like this anymore.

My tears are not of loss
I miss our days together
I’ve made up my mind,
I’ve made my choice.

I need to move on in my life
I will soon be happy
And able to rejoice my life.

Love Birds

It was a pleasant evening,
and I was walking on the street,
A boy and a girl ,two lovers,
Walking on the streets, holding hands,
both talking to each other asking
tell me what happens when you ,
see me and tell me you love me ,
my heart is beating quite fast ,
and your words are so sweet,
and tell me you are happy with me,
tell me you love me.

The boy looked at the girl
and tells the girl ,you are my love,
you are beautiful, when you are with me,
I feel very happy, and when you are there,
my world is around you, tell me you love me,
and you are happy with me.

I thought you too are the love birds walking
on the street telling each others, love me,
I blessed them in my mind and said live longer,
and cherish in your love.

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
The famous lovers,
The children of feuding families
And they meet by coincidence
And fell in love for one another.

The tragic ending of their love
Ends the feud between their families
A traumatic love story written by
The great poet William Shakespeare.
Beautifully picturised in a book and movie.

A Life without you
A life without you
I cannot imagine
I fell so shattered

I feel so lonely
I do not have anyone
to love other than you.

There is no one to communicate
There is no one to share my happiness
There is no one to part my sorrow
I do not know how I cope without you.

You gave me everything
I needed in my life
I was so happy with you
I cannot think of a life without you.

I Cannot Forget You
I cannot forget you till today
My life was so good with you
we enjoyed each and every moment
suddenly it all ended

I feel that I met you yesterday
Our love flourished very well
I feel it was very short
and I cannot forget you
It is taking a long time
Every time I remember your smile,
The way you talked to me
your passion towards me
all bring back memories and
It is not allowing me to forget you

The days we spent together
The love we shared
The things we did it together
all makes me feel that it was
wonderful to be with you

Now when I am alone
when my memories haunt me
I cannot forget you and I like to ask you
why did you leave me alone
we were so happy together

You were my world
You brought sunshine into my face
You gave me all the happiness in the world
I still love you and I cannot forget you. 

Sweet Dream

Concealed in darkness,
Absent from reality.
Every strum of the guitar,
Is pulling me deeper and deeper
Towards her infinite love
My eyelids close with dream

I really need you
Truly speaking
There is not even a day
I don’t wish to see your smile again
I do not like this life any more
Without you, without any fun
I remember the good times
We had together,
I still remember the times
We spent on communicating with each other
The days we went for holidays and cinemas
I feel all these days just travel in front of me
Like a movie I am watching
All this remind me of you and the way you
Tease me in all my silliness with a grin on your face
I just can’t live any more without you
and it isn't you by my side when I really need you.


A life without love is like a darkened
Night filled with sorrow and pain
I sit here all alone the whole day
My heart is ticking each minute in pain

I can hear the beats of my heart
My throat is stuck dry without air
I need some fresh air to breathe
Every breathe I take reminds me
the ticking off the clock on the wall.

I need to find you, my love, to free me
The search continues day and night
I remember the destiny of my life
I know by now, without love
I cannot breathe and I need you now.

No Tears

There is no love in my life
I ask this everyday to my Lord
When I see people love each other
I feel sad and ask myself why there is no love in my life
How many times people are disheartened me
I wonder why I go into their trap
Do I need someone’s love?
Can’t I live without their love?
I decided to stay away from their love
There is no love in my heart to share
There is no love in my soul to spare
I am happy as I am after I learned
The lessons from my past love life
I do not need any more love from anyone
and there are no more tears in my eyes.

Cherish the love

This is hard to forget
The relationship we had
I love you and I do not
Like to fade our relation.

I decided to cut and paste.
I like to copy it and paste
Into my heart so that it
Can stay as long as I live.

I love you very much
I love to picture and frame
Each happy moment
We shared and I can cherish it

Longing for love

I love you darling,
I do not have words to
describe my love for you,
and I am still waiting for love.

I love to be in your arms,
When we dance together,
And do the things together
I am longing for your love.

I miss your touch and my body
miss your strokes and caress,
I feel the warmth of your embrace
When you hold me towards you
I am longing for your love.

.Our Eternal Love

We promised to each other
We stay together all day and night
In our happiness and sadness.
I remember the joy we shared
and the sadness we parted
All become our memories.
Our love still holds us together
Even after we were burned
That is the beauty of our life
Our souls are still alive
But our body is perished
But our love still exists and we
are entwined as one.

Until I die

As I lay here in bed, I think of you.
I think of our love which is still going strong.
You don’t have any clue what you mean to me.
Even though you think you do, you would never know
how much I love you and wanted to be with you
when I see you my stomach fills with butterflies
when you look into my eyes I get the magnetic shock
You are the only one I love and I want you to be forever
And I know we will make it through our good and bad days
I will love you until I die.

Entered into the eternity

Romantic picture of us both showed an
Overindulgence in your passion, and I am
Melting in your love
Mesmerised in your eyes I become
Away from the place
Nature’s beauty is brilliant but I
Couldn’t concentrate as I felt I
Entered into this eternity of love

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