Wednesday 31 July 2013

Poets can use many aspects

Poets can use many aspects and characteristics of nature to create a beautiful poem. Poetry can involve all of life and it can also involve all of the natural world. Many poets write about the seas and the oceans. They write about the sun, the moon, and the stars. They write about the wind and the whether, trees, flowers, and all the seasons of the year. Poets also write about animals and any other natural detail of the world. 

William Wordsworth wrote a poem called “The World Is Too Much With Us.” In this poem, William Wordsworth complains about the fact that men in the modern world have separated themselves from nature. William Wordsworth believes that humans give up their natural heritage and instead they pursue
 material things, which he believes are worthless and only temporary. 

There is another poem, titled “Song.” It was written by a poet named Robert Browning. Robert Browning wrote a play, called “Pippa Passes.” In Pippa Passes, a child named Pippa explores the countryside. Pippa is pleased with humanity and with the world. As Pippa goes by, she is watched by people who are caught up in things such as greed and envy. They become reformed by Pippa and her innocence. The poem titled “Song” is actually the song that Pippa sings as she goes along. “Song” expresses a way of feeling. When the poet states that all is right with the world, he is speaking only of a way of feeling and not with the way life actually is.

Victor Hugo is a poet who often finds himself reflected in the world of nature. His emotions can be seen in the sky or the sea. Victor Hugo wrote a poem called “June Nights.” In this poem, there is a sense of the mixing of day and night. It involves the contrast between light and dark. Parts of this poem seems to merge into each other, creating a dreamlike feeling. It involves the contrast between sound and silence and also the contrast between sleep and wakefulness. It discusses summer, blossoms, the sky, and the stars.

A fun lil poem about life.
My give a fuck is broke…
And that aint no joke…

Im sick of all the bullshit…

I wanna just get a toke…
Of that sweet green leaf…
And laugh & cough till I choke…

Being good & following rules…
Man, that shits just for fools…

American dream? More like American nightmare…

I got bills piled up on the table…
Getting higher & higher…
And I worry everyday if my job is stable…

These hard times are wearing me down…
There more bills than money when the 1st comes around…

Fuck the bills & the dishes & the laundry too…

I just wanna chill & feel and be worry free…
It is what it is, so fuck it…
Whatever will be, will be.